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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Isaiah40-48, YHWH's absolute power 45.1-48.22 Zion rebuilt with Gentile support, Promised Redemption 42:18-48:22 spiritual redemption 43.22-44.23, genuine alternative: "My servant" victory hymn, Book 5 Messages of YHWH as Greatest God chs 40--48 Masterpiece of God's glory & grace chs 40-66, YHWH's absolute power 45.1-48.22 Babylon brought down, eternally dependable servant/worm/ afflicted upheld, Book 5 Messages of YHWH as Greatest God chs 40--48 God of Comfort and Israel 40:1-41:20, God of Comfort and the Gentiles 41:21-42:17 Promised Redemption 42:18-48:22, incomparable Creator sovereign Lord, captivity caused by spiritual failure 42.18-25 Immanuel liberates 43.1-21, idolaters & idols sued genuine alternative: "My servant", Promised Redemption 42:18-48:22 social redemption 42.18-43.21, God of Comfort and Israel 40:1-41:20 "to the heart", by grace alone 43.22-28 forgiven by one-of-a-kind Redeemer-God 44.1-23, "to the heart" revealed glory; eternal Word, YHWH's absolute power 45.1-48.22 YHWH restores his people, Promised Redemption 42:18-48:22 YHWH's absolute power 45.1-48.22, social redemption 42.18-43.21 captivity caused by spiritual failure 42.18-25, God of Comfort and Israel 40:1-41:20 God of Comfort and the Gentiles 41:21-42:17, spiritual redemption 43.22-44.23 by grace alone 43.22-28